Sunday, April 20, 2008

Day 42 - Light at the End of the Tunnel

There is something totally mesmerizing and surreal about running along Lake Michigan when it's completely foggy.  You can't see any of the lake but you KNOW that it's right there to your left.   You can smell it and you can sense it and that's all you really need.  When it's misty and rainy the sound of your breathing is magnified in your ears and you can almost run with your eyes closed.  It's fantastic.

I'm feeling good.

I have exactly 3 weeks until test day.  I took another CAT test today and went up 50 pts.  I know exactly what I need to focus on and sharpen over the next couple of weeks.  There are a few things that have helped me remain focused and on task with my studies.

Schedule and Re-Schedule
If you are a compulsive scheduler/list-maker like me you probably tend to make much too lofty of schedules and to-do lists.  The problem with this is that once you start to get a little off track the whole thing gets off course and you feel overwhelmed with just how off schedule you have become.  So I've started a new policy where I make a schedule - and then at the end of the day I revise the schedule going forward for anything I didn't get to that day.  And I just keep revising. I've found it's just nice to constantly keep the tasks top of mind.
Ignoring Peer Pressure
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not all that fun lately.  Justin has even started calling me Bo-Lo.  But I really don't care that I'm sort of boring lately.  My friends will still be my friends in 3 weeks.  I see no point in half-assing this test.  I've already invested the time - so I need to see it through.  I'll be fun May 11th.

It may seem obvious, but staying sober on the weekend (or the weekdays for that matter) frees up an ENORMOUS amount of time.  I don't think I realized how much time fell into the black hole of un-productivity that goes hand in hand with being hungover.  Even just a little hungover means getting up closer to 11a rather than 8a or 9a.  Waking up crisp and ready to attack the day is much more conducive to studying.

Tell Someone - Tell Everyone
I actually picked up this tip from Leo.  I was hesitant at first.  A month ago I was sort of quiet and shy about telling people that I was taking the GMAT because I didn't want people asking me about it and then wondering how I did in case I didn't do well.  But I've found that by telling people I feel all that more invested.   Every time I tell someone it's a reminder to myself that I've set a goal that needs to be accomplished.  May 10th.  That's the date.

So that's that.  The test isn't over but I can FEEL it almost here.  So I'm just going to stay the course until the finish line.  

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Day 30 - Regaining Clarity

I won't pretend that Chicago has the most beautiful weather.  

Half of the year is a combination of wet, cold and windy while the other half of the year is a combination of hot, sticky and humid.  The weather rarely stays at a pleasant temperature one way or the other for much longer than a few days.  While this is definitely an irritating feature of Chicago climate there is one major plus.  The first true day of Spring.  

Last week fell sort of into the camp of wet, cold and windy and then all of sudden on Saturday the sky opened up, the temperature soared to 60 degrees and the sun shone brightly.  Everyone in Chicago was outside shopping, running and eating.  People were happy and you could feel the collective sigh of relief that "YES.  Winter must finally be over.  We did it.  We GOT THROUGH IT."  

I bring this up because for me weather is often closely correlated with how I feel in life.  The beautiful weather on Saturday totally re-charged me and gave me an opportunity to take a fresh look at my progress on my goals.  Lately I have been working a lot and studying a lot leaving me to feel like I've just been trying to GET THROUGH IT.   And the good news is that I have been getting through it and I have clarity now that there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Spring is almost here.  

Progress To Date:
  • I have been studying consistently for the GMAT, which means a little each day (some days a lot).  I have been keeping up with the homework assignments pretty well and have a clear understanding of what I need to work on.  I signed up for my test date and know what I need to do until then.
  • I have been avoiding goal ADD.  For me that means NOT trying to improve other areas of my life simultaneously.  I have not been running.  I even sold my bib for the Shamrock Shuffle because running is not a focus right now.  It can come back into my life in May.  Unfortunately that also means I haven't been doing basic things like grocery shopping or laundry - but o well.
  • I have been prioritizing.  GMAT is #1 right now and work is #2.  Work is fighting hard to be #1 but I won't let it.  Focus.
Now that I've had an opportunity to reflect on my progress I'm feeling good about the outlook.  I should be totally done with Goal #1 - GMAT - by mid May.  30 more days of what I've been doing - not bad. 

And then I can move on to Goal #2.