Sunday, July 13, 2008

Day 133 - Living Alone = Fantastic

People told me I'd feel lonely or scared or bored living by myself.  Absolutely not the case.  I think I like living alone almost TOO much.  Perhaps this will fade, but a month and half in and I am still doing splendid.  This is probably stemming from the fact that I have lived with roommates for the past 6 years and I was about done.

Oddly, since I started living alone I have had a heightened interest in cooking, cleaning and decorating.  Something about it feels more gratifying than when I used to do these things in a shared space.  Perhaps it always felt like I didn't get to fully enjoy the benefits of those things.  But now anything I do here directly impacts me and only me.  Excellent!

Today I made cranberry, walnut & raisin scones.  Delicious.  And tonight I am going to make a marinated vegetable salad that I can bring to work for a couple of days.  I am so over buying lunch at work.  It has gotten ridiculously expensive for mediocre food.  I'd much rather spread my dollar a little further on something tasty.  I am trying to plan out my meals ahead of time but it's still kind of hard.  I re-read Leo's 50 tips for grocery shopping and I'm still not there yet.

I have always been a fan of a tidy and clean space (I frequently use that compressed air stuff to clean out crumbs and debris from my keyboard at work) but it is especially magnified here in my mini-kingdom.  I dust, vacuum and clean my bathroom once a week.  And I make my bed every day.  I still suck at laundry - but I'll get there.

Ugh.  This is going to be the downfall of me.  I am constantly thinking "hmm, I should go pick up a plant"  or "I should get a few more frames" or "I should swing by the custom frame shop to put that artwork in."  Decorating could be a dangerously expensive habit if I don't watch out.  Spending a lot of money is NOT the direction I'm trying to head.  I just got some art custom framed that cost me far more than I had planned.  I think I'll be going back to matting my own stuff.  I'm totally capable of doing it.  

All in all I think that I have really stepped it up on my domesticity simply due to the fact that I don't have cable.  I'm sure if I had cable I would waste an enormous amount of time.  You can only spend so much time online and reading so I have subsequently upped my domestic game.

We'll see how long this all keeps up...only takes 30 days to make something a habit!

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