Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Day 216 - A Few Quick Thoughts

Ugh.  I'm so sick of talking/thinking about money.  It makes me feel like a wrinkly old miser.

I am not a wrinkly old miser.  I am a thrifty, peace-loving, free spirit.

So I need to set up a few goals for myself in regards to money.  The date to complete these goals is by the end of October:
  • Stop mentioning to people how broke I am.  It just makes me feel irritated and I doubt people want to hear it either.
  • Stop declining social activities with "I just don't have the money."  Again this just re-enforces a negative feeling instead of a positive one.  Instead, I shall replace my social activity declines with a simple "Sorry, I'm busy that night."  It will make me seem mysterious and interesting that my calendar is always so busy. :)
  • Do not let friends guilt me into spending money I don't have.  I understand that going out to the bar is part of our social fabric as young 20-somethings...however, this is just not a doable expense.  Instead work on becoming a fun, lively, secretively sober presence at the bar and people won't notice that I'm not heavily drinking with the rest of them.  
Ok.  October 31st I hope to have drilled these ideals into my head.

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