Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 306 - Do Fewer Things

I love the above stickies from prettybitter.com. I came across these in the January issue of Real Simple and have been feeling much more grounded about my growing list of New Year's resolutions that I had to get done.

I adore Real Simple magazine. The whole magazine centers around organization and simplifying your life. The January issue spoke to me even more when the big title on the front said: FEEL CALMER NOW. Yes. I need that. It was the perfect thing to get me back into a sensible approach to goal setting. So now I give you - my new simplified "resolutions" that I am working on right now:

1. Stretch every night.
2. Find more ways to cook at home.
3. Go to bed at 11p, wake up at 7:20a every day.
4. Don't drink alcohol until February 5th.

That's it. That's all I'm working on right now. I'm not studying for the GMAT, I'm not learning Spanish, I'm not becoming the world's best knitter (altho Justin's scarf is coming along nicely...) I am just focusing on a few things this month. January's focus is around better health habits.

Now not to say I'm not still making to-do lists and spreadsheets and budgets. Those are definitely all still happening, but I won't crucify myself if I skip a day of totaling my receipts. Someone told me it takes 30 days to make something into a habit so hopefully the above goals will become habits by early February (except for the no alcohol - what a boring habit) and I can move on to some new goals.

As for the one thing I will do tomorrow? Tomorrow I will pay my phone and utilities bill. Ah - simple enough. I already feel calmer.


Anonymous said...

Lauren - I am so enjoying reading your blog. You've got a great writing style - reads like a book. Good luck on your new job - sounds like you have your budgeting under control. If you're ever out in Geneva stop by and we'll take you to dinner....

Erin's Mom

Erin said...

I like you blog too, Lo. :) And if you are in Geneva for some reason, you can sleep in my old room!